Sustained Extension
Sustained extension. The little gem that started Robin on a Journey that some 60 plus years later, Clinicians such as myself are able to benefit from his years of struggle sorting out mechanical low back pain (as well as neck and the extremities). Robin McKenzie was a genius and his work not only lives on but the movement is growing! If you have pain, get to an MDT trained clinician to sort it out. You can never get the real picture from an image (X-ray, MRI, CT). You must move the joints, challenge the structure, use the brilliant Traffic light guide to understand how the lesion responds to load. It is then STUPID easy to give you a "prescription" of movement to reverse the injury. Taking care of your spine is like brushing your teeth, it should be maintained DAILY......Wonder why LBP is a BILLION $$ one is flossing! ;) McKenzie Institute USA has a clinician locator and if you cannot find one close by, we can set up a tele health location where we come to you! Here at Therapeutic Associates of Maui, we are the ONLY McKenzie Certified Clinic in the State of Hawaii and I am the only McKenzie Diplomat. What the heck is that, you ask? Just means I love MDT so much that I have continued to study and learn as much as I can to get the highest level of distinction to be able to help my patients get better as fast possible (There are only 452 McKenzie Diplomats world wide/200 in the U.S.)! And also to understand more rapidly, those we cannot help so we can get those patients to the next step. Whether is be back to M.D. for further testing, injection and even surgery when indicated. So check out McKenzie USA or give us a call and stop suffering when getting better can be as simple as moving your back or neck in ONE right direction a bit more to start the road to recovery. MDT First.