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Industry-Leading Healthcare
Spine Clinic ~ Sport & Work Injury~ Surgery Prevention


Physical Therapy

Spine/Extremity Pain

At Therapeutic Associates of Maui, you will be treated by MDT trained clinicians. From day one our goal is to identify all musculoskeletal disorders, aggravating positions or activities as quickly as possible. We then work together to identify movements or positions that decrease or abolish pain. Then by decreasing or eliminating irritating factors while performing movements that alleviate the pain, we stop working against our body's very efficient healing mechanism. Each client's program is tailored to their individual problem. 

The TAM approach provides patients with the education to manage their injury â€” this allows them to become independent with self-management.


Patient with Healthcare Nurse

Certified Hand Therapy

Hand/Wrist/Elbow/Shoulder Injury & Pain

At Therapeutic Associates of Maui, you will be treated by one of Maui's only Certified Hand Therapists. She is highly skilled in custom splinting techniques. More importantly she is MDT trained to make sure your extremity pain is an actually coming from your extremity and NOT from your spine. This is a very common mistake and why many extremity injuries become chronic as often the treatment is focused on the symptoms and not the root cause. Donna, can screen that out on Day 1!


Injury Prevention at Work

Work Site Prevention/Treatment

Therapeutic Associates will come to your office or work site. After communicating with your team and sizing up their occupation and daily activities we can teach your employees how to work in safer positions. Understanding the mechanics of a job allows the employee to work smarter, not harder!  This will also improve your employee's overall health, attendance and performance and save on disability, additional insurance and medical expenses. We can also come and set up and exercise program and teach your employees how to decrease their risk of future injury. We are spine and movement specialists.

Computer Screens

PT eval on your time

TeleHealth PT consult

MDT allows us to perform an exam via skype or facetime. Insurance hasn't caught up with this yet, so this will be a cash service only at this time. And we can follow up via phone, text, facetime. But due to direct access, you can schedule without the cost of going to and M.D. for a referral or missing time off work. If we need, we can get you to the clinic if your problem is more complicated requiring hands on mobilization.

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